Project reference


Contract duration







 Food and nutrition, Human rights

Mid-Term Evaluation of the 'UN Joint Programme to strengthen urban and rural resilience and conditions for community recovery in Syria

The main objectives of this evaluation were to provide the relevant services of the European Union with:
  • an overall independent assessment of the performance of the project ‘UN Joint Programme to strengthen urban and rural resilience and conditions for community recovery in Syria’, paying particular attention both to its results, measured against its expected objectives, and to the reasons underpinning such results;
  • key lessons learned, conclusions and related recommendations in order to improve the remaining period of implementation and potential second phase as well as similar future Interventions.
In particular, this evaluation served:
  • to understand the performance of the intervention and the reasons behind it in order to maximise its potential to achieve the expected results during the residual implementation time
  • to understand whether the implementation modalities of the intervention are the most appropriate in order to achieve its objectives;
  • to understand whether the governance mechanism of the intervention allows for a suitable and efficient representation of the interests of key stakeholders;
The main users of this evaluation are the EU Delegation to Syria and DG NEAR Directorate B.1 (Middle East), the JP itself and the relevant UN Agencies involved, as well as local implementing partners and counterparts.


 TANA Copenhagen (Lead)