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Contract duration







 Food and nutrition, Monitoring & Evaluation

Final Evaluation of Support to Food Security and Nutrition in Tanzania

Systematic and timely evaluation of its programmes and activities is an established priority of the European Commission. The focus of evaluations was on the assessment of achievements, the quality and the results of Interventions in the context of an evolving cooperation policy with an increasing emphasis on result-oriented approaches and the contribution towards the implementation of the SDGs.
The main objectives of this evaluation were to provide the relevant services of the European Union, the interested stakeholders and the wider public with:
  • an overall independent assessment of the past performance of the project: Improving food and nutrition security in Dodoma and Singida Regions, Tanzania - Boresha Lishe, paying particular attention to its results measured against its expected objectives; and the reasons underpinning such results;
  • key lessons learned, conclusions and related recommendations in order to improve future interventions.
The main users of this evaluation were the EU Delegation to Tanzania, WFP, Save the Children and the Government of Tanzania being the PMO’s Office, PORALG, Ministry of Agriculture, TFNC and the Ministry of Finance and Planning NAO office.


 CAPA EEIG (managed by Particip) (Lead), EMI (formerly: Cardno Belgium), Expertise Advisors (formerly: ETI Consulting), Particip