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 Congo (Brazzaville)


 Environment, Forestry

Ex-post evaluation of projects financed by the 10th EDF aimed at developing a traceability system for timber and forest products in the Republic of Congo (Convention n°CG/FED/2008/021-014)

The evaluation was mainly dedicated to providing the relevant services of the European Union, interested stakeholders and the general public with the following information:
  • an analysis of the systemic contribution of the various interventions financed under the financing agreement submitted for evaluation, paying particular attention to its results, in comparison with the expected objectives, and the reasons supporting these results
  • lessons learned, conclusions and associated recommendations, so as to improve, where appropriate, other present and future interventions on the reduction of illegal logging of timber and forest products.
In particular, this evaluation measured the performance of the intervention, its determining factors and those which justify the quality of the results obtained. It served as a basis for planning future EU interventions in the same sector. In concrete terms, the evaluation provided, among other things, information on:
  • the nature of the mechanism and / or the application put in place, as well as its state of operation during and after the period of implementation of the financing agreement submitted for evaluation.
The main users of this evaluation was the EU services and the Congolese government, as this evaluation allowed lessons to be learned on the implementation of targeted actions for a better projection on future interventions.


 Particip (Lead), AETS, CAPA EEIG (managed by Particip), Expertise Advisors (formerly: ETI Consulting)