Project reference


Contract duration

 2022 - 2023






 Agriculture, Environment, Trade

Service contract 2 - Technical assistance to support the central government (MPCEI-P) for implementing activities related to Specific objective 2 (facilitated socio-economic recovery)

General objective: Developed a National Adaptation Plan (2023) to allow the Ecuadorian exporting productive sector to achieve an adequate and timely transition in line with the European Green Deal, through the design of strategies within the framework of quality infrastructure, production systems and regulatory Framework.
Specific objectives:
  • Carried out a comprehensive analysis of the agro-industrial export chains and prioritised challenges to achieve compliance with the European Green Deal requirement
    • As the European Union is one of Ecuador's main trading partners, it was necessary to know through a comprehensive analysis which were, in order of priority, the main adaptations that were to be considered within the agro-industrial chains framework. This allowed to define a baseline to focus the Ecuadorian production on the European Union as destination market
  • Evaluated the Ecuadorian regulatory framework in order to identify priority reforms, within the international trade framework, which allowed to be aligned with the regulations derived from the European Green Deal. The evaluated regulatory framework affected the following products and value chains: bananas, fruits non-traditional, vegetables and greens, cocoa, coffee and fishery. For the Ecuadorian agricultural and agro-industrial sector, the European Union has become a preferential market for exports ; In line with the European Green Deal, the European Union regulatory framework is adapting and it was therefore essential to make such adjustments and reforms to the Ecuadorian regulatory framework.
  • Evaluated the current situation of the quality infrastructure and monitoring mechanism, to ensure compliance with the requirements of the European Green Deal for the export of the selected products and value chain
    • For the strengthening of the Ecuadorian economy, one of the defined strategies was the diversification of the exportable offer. An analysis of the country's quality infrastructure helped to define updated mechanisms with the objective of guaranteeing compliance with the defined requirements to access the European market, especially with high value-added products.
  • Identified requirements and general principles to guarantee the sustainability of productive systems applied in the bananas, non-traditional fruits, vegetables and greens, cocoa, coffee and fishery and aquaculture value chains and produc
    • Strengthened the marketing capacity of the selected value chains and products with a focus on the knowledge of the destination market, considering the changes in rules and requirements that the European Green Deal generated
  • Prepared an Action Plan that focused on the quality infrastructure, production systems and regulatory framework, which allowed the agile adaptation to the requirements of the European Green Deal of the selected products and value chain
    • As to comply with the adaptation process derived from the European Green Deal, it was necessary to define an action plan for each of the prioritized value chains, based on the changes that they needed to manage to continue accessing the European market
  • Established a plan for the socialization and validation of the Action Plans with the main actors of the public and private sectors of the prioritized value chai
    • The process of adaptation to the European Green Deal, was to require reforms in national regulations and policies as established in the action plans for each of the prioritized production chains, which needed to be socialized with the private sector, unions, chambers and other related actors, to develop a validation and appropriation process of agreed plans, but mainly commitment to their implementation


 EMI (formerly: Cardno Belgium) (Lead), Particip