Project reference


Contract duration

 2022 - 2024






 Civil society, Communication & media, Governance

Communication and visibility of the EU - Haiti partnership

This project aims to provide regular and ongoing technical assistance for the implementation of communication and visibility actions around the EU - Haiti partnership. This includes the development and implementation of a communication strategy and monitoring tools, as well as related activities, contents and support products. The project also involves monitoring progress and evaluating results.
The overall objective of the project is to reinforce the perception that the European Union is a key partner for the sustainable development and social, economic and political future of Haiti.
The specific objective of the project is to increase the understanding of a multitude of audiences of the values and actions of the EU in favor of the women and men of Haiti and the development of the country.
Results to be achieved:
- Result 1: External communication on the cooperation of the EU Delegation in Haiti and on the values of the European Union is regular, coherent and adapted to the country's context
- Result 2: The visibility of EU interventions in Haiti is amplified and increased
- Result 3: The communication and visibility of the EU reaches more segments of the Haitian population
- Result 4: European institutions (in particular the Commission, the EEAS and the European Parliament), Member State institutions and European citizens are updated on EU activities in Haiti
- Result 5: The effects of the Delegation's communication and visibility activities are constantly monitored and evaluated, allowing the Delegation to convey relevant and targeted messages in a timely manner using the most effective tools