Project reference


Contract duration

 2021 - 2022


227,483 CHF / 217,825 EUR


 Bolivia, India, Kosovo, North Macedonia, Peru, Zimbabwe


 Environment, Monitoring & Evaluation

Independent Evaluation of SDC’s Engagement in Climate Change Adaptation and Mitigation (2015-2020)

The purpose of this evaluation was to build an evidence base regarding SDC’s engagement in climate change adaptation and mitigation, including partnerships established by SDC to address climate change adaptation and mitigation at global, regional and national level.
The evaluation was designed to:
  • Contribute to strategic decision-making (i.e. for the Dispatch 2021-2024).
  • Derive lessons learnt in order to improve institutional performance.
  • Serve as one measure of accountability towards the Parliament and the public.
The evaluation : i) assessed the successes, difficulties / challenges (including failures) of programmes and projects in Climate Change Adaptation and Mitigation implemented by SDC; ii) identified ‘good practices’ and determined how they could be systematically applied within SDC; iii) conducted a comparison / benchmarking of SDC’s performance compared to international practices; and iv) assessed the effectiveness and rate of achievement of projects and programmes.
The evaluation covered activities implemented during a period of six years (2015-2020) from all domains of SDC (i.e. South Cooperation; Global Cooperation; Humanitarian Aid; and Cooperation with Eastern Europe). It concentrated on projects in the area of climate change adaptation (CCA) and climate change mitigation (CCM) that SDC steers or co-steers. This includes direct implemented projects, mandates and contributions to trust or basket funds, etc. It excludes core contributions to multilateral organizations, large Funds (GCF, IDA, etc.) and NGOs.