Project reference


Contract duration

 2021 - 2022


(235,477.00 USD)




 Food and nutrition, Humanitarian aid, Monitoring & Evaluation

Evaluation of Tajikistan WFP Country Strategic Plan 2019-2024

This independant evaluation of WFP Country Strategic Plan (CSP) in Tajikistan assessed the strategic positionning, added-value and results of WFP operations in the Country from 2018 to 2021.
The evaluation served the double purpose of accountability (performance and result assessment) and learning (why certain results occurred or not, lessons and evidence for decision-making). It envisioned that the evaluation will inform the design of the new CSP for Tajikistan, which was scheduled for Executive Board consideration in November 2022.
CSP key sectors and activities included:
  • Nutrition and health
  • School feeding
  • Livelihoods, asset creation and climate adaptation activities
  • Institutional capacity strengthening
  • Services in logistics, procurement and administration
Cross-cutting themes included: Gender equality and empowerment of women (GEEW), humanitarian principles and protection, accountability to affected populations (AAP), WFP partnership strategy
The evaluation employed a mixed-method approach that triangulated qualitative and quantitative data from a variety of sources. For this purpose, the evaluation team conducted interviews with different stakeholders including WFP staff at HQ, regional and country level, WFP cooperating partners, donors, UN agencies, ministries as well as focus group discussions with the beneficiaries.
Link to the publication: