Project reference


Contract duration






Mid Term evaluation of MLI/804 project : Appui au développement économique local et à la prévention des conflits dans les régions de Gao et Tombouctou (ADEL)

The expected results are as follows:
  • Result 1: Associations and cooperatives contribute to local economic development. This result, which continues through the implementation of local economic projects in the fields of agriculture, livestock, fishing, handicrafts, allows the improvement of economic benefits and agricultural yields of associations and beneficiary households and also contributes to the revitalization of the local economy (mobilization of local economic operators).
  • =Result 2: Young men and women in the Timbuktu region are trained and professionally integrated through self-employment and salaried work. This result makes it possible to increase the integration rate of young people through self-employment and salaried work, as well as the level of economic benefits and wage remuneratio
    • Result 3: Basic social services are strengthened and local authorities contribute to
    their operation. This result is achieved through the rehabilitation (construction, rehabilitation, equipment) and improvement of basic social services (schools, health centers, water points, socio-collective infrastructure) for the benefit of the populations.
  • =Result 4: Local authorities are strengthened in the exercise of their mandate and functions. This result continues on the one hand through the strengthening of the skills of elected officials and agents of the beneficiary local authorities, on the other hand by the support and/or the establishment of mechanisms for the prevention and management of conflicts.