Project reference


Contract duration

 2021 - 2022






 Monitoring & Evaluation

Evaluation of the concept notes and full applications to be submitted under the Call for Proposals titled "EU support to Civil Society in Yemen - Joint call for Proposals under CSO and EIDHR thematic programmes"

a) Technical assessment of concept notes in accordance with guidelines provided by the Contracting Authority, based on the published evaluation grids.
  • 99 concept notes.
  • Assessment of each concept note by two assessors individually.
b) Technical and financial assessment of full applications in accordance with guidelines provided by the Contracting Authority and are based on the published evaluation grids. Expectation:
  • 32 full applications.
  • Assessment of 4 concept notes per day and 2 full applications per day per assessor (on average).
c) Availability of assessors to advise the members of the Evaluation Committee is required.
d) The assessors are required to uphold the integrity of the evaluation process. Proposals are assessed online through PROSPECT or other secured IT tools if deemed necessary.