Evaluation of the implementation of EU Blending in the EU Neighbourhood and Western Balkans regions in 2015-2021
The general objective is to provide the relevant Commission services and other key stakeholders with an independent assessment of the contribution of blending to the achievement of EU policy objectives in EU Neighbourhood and Western Balkans regions.
The specific objectives for this evaluation are:
- To provide an assessment in both qualitative and quantitative terms on the relevance, conditions of implementation and performance of Blending as an aid modality, particularly its efficiency, effectiveness, sustainability, impact and added value, with emphasis on experience from the implementation of blending operations;
- To assess the EU cooperation potential and the EU added value;
- To identify lessons learnt (both positive and negative), best practices and recommendations in particular regarding the efficiency and effectiveness of Blending and the explanatory factors that facilitate or hamper the contribution of Blending to EU policy objectives.
The results of the evaluation feed the ground for the operationalisation of the EFSD+ in the
coming years, defining greater synergy effects with the EU's political and reform objectives and for the overall programming, monitoring, reporting and implementation of EU financial assistance.
The geographical scope of this evaluation is the Eastern and Southern Neighbourhood and the Western Balkans.
The thematic scope of this evaluation covers bilateral blended operations as well as operations implemented under the umbrella of the regional investment facilities (NIP and WBIF) in the sectors of:
- Private Sector Development and Access to Finance
- Energy
- Environment (with a focus on water/sanitation and waste management)