Framework Contract Services for EU’s External Action 2023 (FWC SEA 2023) Lot 2 - Sustainable natural resources management (environment, biodiversity, forests, water and circular economy)
The objective of the FWC is to provide, via individual assignments defined and contracted through Specific Contracts, expertise which can be mobilised at short notice. The quality of the services, which may make use of expertise either internal or external to the Framework Contractor, must be guaranteed by the Framework Contractor who will provide the appropriate internal technical skills and resources.
The FWC has no funds on its own. The main instrument within external action is the Neighbourhood, Development and International Cooperation Instrument - Global Europe (NDICI-Global Europe).
The implementation duration (not exceeding 48 months) and the contractual amount (not exceeding € 1,999,999) are fixed for each individual assignment.
Lot 2 focuses on the following sectors:
1. Sustainable natural resource management
2. Land management
3. Water management
4. Forest management
5. Waste management