Project reference


Contract duration

 2021 - 2022


DKK 5,318,584.21


 Ethiopia, Kenya, Somalia


 Monitoring & Evaluation

Monitoring and Evaluation of Somalia Country Programme (2019-2023) and Peace and Stabilisation Programme (2018-2022)

The Somalia Country Programme (2019-2023) and Peace and Stabilisation Programme (2018-2022) operated in a political challenging and fluid context. In order to ensure proper tracking of the engagements and their developments, progress and results, both programmes, were receiving assistance in ensuring the necessary quality assurance of the management of the result frameworks, theory of change and the risks identified and reporting by setting up and running a robust monitoring and reporting system.
The overall objective of the Assignment was to support the Client in:
  • establishing and facilitating a functioning MEAL including risk management system for the two programmes and their engagement documents based on an improved result framework, theory of change and risk set up in order for the Client to strengthen programme efficiency and effectiveness, facilitate learning and ensure informed decision-making by the Client and its partners related to the implementation and development of the programmes; and
  • communicating to both the Somalia and Danish general public and other identified recipients, relevant achievements and results obtained by the two programmes.
The overall objective of the Somalia Country Programme (2019 – 2023) (SCP) was to contribute to: “Basic building blocks put in place for the development of a resilient, stable and peaceful Somalia based on responsive and inclusive governance and a growing and poverty-reducing economy”. The SCP contained three Thematic Programmes (TPs):
1) Strengthen resilient, responsive and inclusive governance able to deliver basic services and to promote and protect fundamental human rights.
2) Develop an enabling economic environment through core economic institutions and regulations and strengthen inclusive private sector led development and economic growth through critical and diversified livelihoods.
3) Develop protection and safety nets to enhance resilience, enable durable solutions and reduce forced displacement.
The main objective of the Peace and Stabilisation Programme (2018-2022) (PSP-HoA) was “improved peace and stability in the Horn of Africa by strengthening local, national and regional actors’ capacity and ability to manage conflict and insecurity, counter threats and exercise legitimate authority”. The PSP-HoA had three overriding Thematic Programmes (TPs):
1) Strengthened regional conflict management capacity and efforts of the actors engaged in promoting stabilisation and security in Somalia
2) Reduced levels of violent extremism in the Horn of Africa with a particular focus on Somalia through prevention and disengagement..
3) Improved capacity to exercise regional and governmental authority across land and maritime borders.


 Particip (Lead), Dansom