Project reference


Contract duration

 2021 - 2023


Contract value: 295.250€ TO by Particip 2021: 80.166,80€ and 2022: 179.936,45€




 Communication & media

Communication and Visibility EU-Vanuatu Development Cooperation

The overall objective of this contract was to enhance the visibility of the EU – Vanuatu cooperation and promote greater awareness and understanding among key stakeholders in the public, private and civil society sectors on issues related to EU- Vanuatu development cooperation.
The specific objectives of the contract were:
  • To better outreach citizens and key stakeholders both in the Pacific and Europe to show-case the tangible results of the EU – Vanuatu development cooperation;
  • To strengthen understanding and engagement of the target audience in the various areas of development cooperation between the EU and Vanuatu.
Specific attention was paid to EU's efforts to promote development of value chains, climate change resilience, ocean governance, food security, and gender equality, inclusive growth and good governance.


 ADE (Lead), Particip