Project reference


Contract duration

 2021 - 2022




 Ethiopia, Sudan, Uganda


 Education, Humanitarian aid

Training of secondary teachers in displacement-affected communities in the IGAD region (SIMPI project)

The main purpose of this project is to develop the capacity of secondary teachers to deliver quality education in refugee settings and host communities. Improving the quality of secondary school teaching has an accelerating effect and will enable refugee students to attend higher tertiary education or TVET programmes.
The project is being implemented in 6 refugee settings/host communities, two in each of the three selected IGAD Member States (Uganda, Ethiopia, Sudan).
The delivered trainings on pedagogical, psychosocial, ICT and life skills enable teachers in secondary refugee schools to better respond to the specific needs of refugee students. Under the supervision of the IGAD Secretariat the project works closely together with the respective Ministries of Education and regional National Teaching Institutes in the selected Member States in order to strengthen their capacities to improve teaching quality and mainstream refugee education in their national education plans. The teacher trainings are elaborated and conducted together with the National Training Institutes of the regions where the refugee settings/host communities are, in order to improve the local and national capacities to tackle the main local challenges, as well as the sustainability of the initiative.
Female teachers are being encouraged to participate during the selection process, in order to increase the participation of women in further training activities in all 6 refugee settings/host communities.
The support and advisory services of the contractor brings on board various stakeholders from government, local authorities, international organizations, and foundations involved in refugee education in the selected IGAD Member States.