Project reference


Contract duration

 2020 - 2021


(149.212 USD)




 Food and nutrition, Monitoring & Evaluation

Decentralized Evaluation of Support for Strengthening Resilience of Vulnerable Groups in Ethiopia: The Fresh Food Voucher Programme Expansion in Amhara Region, January 2018 - December 2020)

This evaluation assessed the WFP Fresh Food Voucher (FFV) programme implemented in seven selected districts of the Amhara region of Ethiopia. The programme sought to improve the dietary diversity of pregnant and lactating women and children aged 6-23 months and stimulate the local fresh food market. Through the FFV, WFP provided training and technical support to the Government, mobile money vouchers redeemable for fresh foods at retailer traders, and communication campaigns for social behaviour change.
This endline evaluation covered six programme districts in the period January 2018 to December 2020. It served the double purpose of accountability (through a performance and result assessment of the
programme) and learning (about the reasons why certain results occurred or not, and deriving lessons and good practices) to inform operational and strategic decision-making.
For this purpose, the evaluation team undertook large-scale data collection from FFV beneficiary households and other stakeholders. The quantitative survey was conducted remotely (via phone) and included 1,380 households and 140 traders in the FFV districts. In addition, the team conducted a desk review and context analysis, and qualitative interviews with key informants and households. The resulting evidence addressed the evaluation criteria of effectiveness, efficiency and sustainability, with gender equality and empowerment of women mainstreamed throughout.
The final report is available at:


 C4ED (Lead), Particip