Project reference


Contract duration

 2021 - 2024


CHF 3,248,098




 Food and nutrition, Governance, Health, Human rights, Humanitarian aid, Monitoring & Evaluation, PCM / Logframe, Project implementation / Technical Assistance

Third Party Monitoring Evaluation and Learning (TPME&L) and Accountability to Affected Populations (AAP) in Somalia

The current objective is to improve the performance of the Swiss HoA programme. This will be achieved thanks to a broad shift in posture, achieved through four highlevel outcomes: (a) improved monitoring and risk governance of the SDC HoA programme, (b) increased benefits for the most vulnerable people, including in hard-to-reach areas, through better targeting by Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC), (c) increased number and improved quality of partnerships with local actors, and (d) improved state-led national development plan (NDP) and sustainable development goals (SDG) monitoring.
To better achieve this it is believed that third-party monitoring should be applied at the project, portfolio and strategy level, backed up by community feedback mechanisms to increase accountability to beneficiaries, and implementing partner risk assessments, audit field spot checks, in addition to training and capacity building of implementing partners. SDC will therefore be able to improve the tracking of its projects in Somalia, and also to extend the mix of aid modalities, and allow the management of projects to focus to a greater extent on risk management and trust.
Through its Whole-of-Government Regional Cooperation Strategy Horn of Africa (CS Horn of Africa) 2018-2021, Switzerland has the following priorities:
  • Geographic target: At risk regions of the Horn of Africa, mainly Somalia (including Somaliland), and the Arid and Semi-Arid Lands (ASAL) of Kenya (i.e. North-Eastern Kenya) and Ethiopia (i.e. South-Eastern Ethiopia). Switzerland aims at stronger focusing its intervention to rural and harder-to-reach areas.
  • Population target: pastoralists, agro-pastoralists, most vulnerable parts of population (including displacement-affected communities). Switzerland aims at better including marginalized and disadvantaged groups, such as minority groups in Somalia.
  • Thematic target: Governance, Food Security, Health, Protection/Migration.
  • A new Regional Cooperation Programme for the Horn of Africa will be developed in 2021 for the period 2022-25. It is expected that only minor adjustments to the mentioned geographic, population and thematic targets will occur.
Project Components and Phases. FRAP is made up of the following elements:
a) Third-Party Monitoring (TPM) (subject of this tender) and a Digital Platform
b) Support to the International NGO Safety Organization (INSO)
c) Possibly support to the Somalia UN Risk Management Unit (UN RMU)
d) Possibly direct or indirect support to the National Bureau of Statistics of Somalia
As part of the first element, the Kulmis Support Team (KST) works with SDC, implementing partners and digital platform developers to ensure all SDC M&E tools and IP progress data are accurately transferred to the digital platform. This task also including supporting implementing partners during this transaction process, as providing trainings, supporting on filling and uploading specific progress monitoring tools, undertaking the initial QA-QC in data management, etc. In addition to that, KST regularly provides feedback to developers to ensure the digital platform is user friendly and reflects the accurate data, along with regular updates on data protocol to be adopted.


 Particip (Lead)