Project reference


Contract duration





 Africa (Eastern)




 Elections, Governance

Study on post-2020 electoral and judicial developments and possible new presidential elections

The objective of this project is to provide electoral and technical guidance to EEAS HQ (Global.3 and Africa.2) as well as the EU Delegation to Malawi, during the period leading to the new presidential election, ordered by the Constitutional Court of Malawi in its judgement of 3 February 2020.
This analysis will contribute to the work of the EEAS and the EU Delegation to Malawi, in preparation for the 2020 fresh presidential election. It will also help to ensure the ground for the effective follow up to the 2019 EU EOM recommendations, especially those that require a legislative change, in the post 2020 electoral period. Furthermore, activities could contribute to the EU Delegation in Malawi analysis and reporting on the presidential election (tbc depending on the date of the new election).