Project reference


Contract duration

 2020 - 2022






 Monitoring & Evaluation, PCM / Logframe

Project Implementation and Monitoring Support (PIMS)

The main objectives of the Project implementation and monitoring support PIMS is to further strengthen the capacity of the staff of the EC (including FPI, line DGs, EEAS and EUDs) and the implementing partners involved in the design, monitoring and implementation of PI funded actions in line with results based management principles. The project has two main objectives: (1) Increase the capacity of EC and implementing partners' staff to design, implement and monitor PI funded actions; (2) Improve the quality of actions and the achievement and reporting of results.
The project will:
  • Deliver a hands-on training as regards PI common indicators, logical frameworks and monitoring arrangements to be implemented by PI funded actions, in order to enable PI project managers and implementing partners, including framework contactors, to become acquainted with the system and to be able to use it.
  • Coach PI project managers and implementing partners to identify and/or refine indicators for new or already ongoing actions so that all those involved in the project implementation take on board relevant common PI indicators, ensure common understanding by all stakeholders as well as to help them select indicators for actions where implementation is in its inception.
  • Provide ad hoc guidance through a helpdesk which will consist of replies to specific questions asked by PI project managers and implementing partners and hands on support to PI project managers and implementing partners with specific tasks, on a demand driven basis.
  • Provide technical assistance to FPI.4 in the roll out OPSYS and implementation of the system in relation to the PI as well as in relation to the changes likely to take place following the approval of the new MFF.


 Particip (Lead), Idem Concept, Tetra Tech Europe Ltd