Project reference


Contract duration

 2020 - 2021




 Kenya, Tanzania, Zambia


 Industry & private sector development, Macro-economic/ National policy, Monitoring & Evaluation

Evaluation on Economic Development, Job Creation and Livelihoods

This evaluation assessed how Finland’s objectives related to economic development, job creation and livelihoods, manifested in the Priority Area 2 (PA2), but not only limited to it, are being fulfilled through the various thematic approaches, cooperation modalities and funding instruments. An essential aspect of the evaluation was to provide guidance on how Finland might tailor its efforts, elaborating on what Finland’s strengths and “unique competencies” are in the division of labour in the donor community. Included in the Evaluation were also Finland’s Private Sector Instruments (PSI), i.e. Finland’s Development Finance Institution, Finnfund, the seed-funding and match-making programme Finnpartnership (FP), the innovation focused Business with Impact (BEAM) programme and the mixed credit scheme Public Sector Investment Facility (PIF).
The evaluation’s specific objectives were as follows:
  • To assess to what extent and how the objectives of the Priority Area 2 on economic development, jobs and livelihoods are being achieved and how relevant and effective the interventions have been in relation to partner country needs.
  • To determine what the Ministry of Foreign Affairs can learn from its peer organisations, especially the Nordics as well as from emerging international 'best practices' for more relevant, effective and coordinated support for economic development, jobs and livelihood opportunities.
  • To suggest how the effectiveness of Finnish development cooperation related to economic development can be be further developed, including if and how the Results-based Management system can be strengthened.
The evaluation entailed the following:
  • Mapping of the PA2 portfolio and the Private Sector instruments in order to investigate what Finland in fact has been doing 2016-2019 in this respect;
  • Assessing what have been the results of these interventions in terms of improved economies and more jobs and livelihood opportunities in particular for women, youth and the poor;
  • Looking deeper into certain sectors/themes of the PA2 portfolio of specific interest either due to overall significant resource flow under PA2 (energy); perceived comparative advantage by Finland (innovation); policy concern by MFA (women economic empowerment and taxation).
The final report is available here:


 Particip (Lead), NIRAS