Project reference


Contract duration

 2020 - 2022








 Communication & media

Mapping, communication and monitoring tools for European projects

The general objective of the mission was to provide the European Union Delegation (EUD) in Tunisia with a tool for managing information and geo-localized visualization on the activities of cooperation projects, and in particular their results and performance indicators, in order to improve the visibility of EU projects in Tunisia.
The specific objectives were as follows:
  • To set up an information management system on EU projects in Tunisia and to feed it with information on the activities of EU projects in Tunisia with data from programmes and projects, in particular those relating to performance, which the provider extracts from the various documents and reports available;
  • To develop an interactive mapping tool to visualize all these data from relevant by: a geographical location, sectors, partners or contractors of implementation, funding instruments, disaggregated indicators (e.g. by category of beneficiaries, age, geer);
  • To produce regular reports, maps, theme sheets, diagrams, dashboards and monitoring the results of indicators (at project and thematic level) on the EU interventions in Tunisia.
The aim was to set up a web interface that allow communication, and production of information related to the interventions of the European Union in Tunisia.
The aim was to set up a web interface that make it possible to communicate, consult and produce information related to the interventions of the European Union in Tunisia.


 Particip (Lead), ARKO Consulting