Project reference


Contract duration

 2020 - 2021


Calculated: N. of wd for PTC/ N. of wd for the whole team


 Africa (Western)


 Burkina Faso, Cameroon, Mali, Mauritania, Nigeria, Senegal


 Governance, Humanitarian aid, Monitoring & Evaluation

Monitoring of activities financed under Article 3 of the IcSP in West Africa and the Lake Chad Basin

The general objective of the service was to improve the degree of accountability and quality of certain EU-funded actions by providing the FPI Regional Team with follow-up and monitoring products for these actions and feedback on experience at the end of the project.
The specific objective of this contract was to assist the FPI Regional Team in the monitoring of certain projects financed under Article 3 of the IcSP in the Sahel region and the Lake Chad Basin.


 Particip (Lead), EPRD