Project reference


Contract duration

 2019 - 2022




 Ivory Coast


 Communication & media

Communication and visibility of the European Union in Ivory Coast

The global objective of the project was to raise awareness about the comprehension of the EU and its support and actions in Ivory Coast, particularly targeting the ivorian audience.
The specific objectives were the following:
  • develop a global communication and visibility strategy for the EU-Ivory Coast partnership, including the annual strategy of the EUD in Ivory Coast and its project.
  • effectively communicate about the EU's values and the benefits from the EU-Ivory Coast partnership to the ivorian audience.
  • communicate and ensure visibility of the partnership that is i) integrating a real political dialogue about issues of common interest, beyond the cooperation aspects; ii) going beyond the classical cooperation (project type) to support the government's reform (budget support); iii) based on universally shared values and the living together
  • raise awareness of the ivorian audience for the EU's programmes
  • enhance the impact of visibility activities of EU financed project in the short, middle and long term on the living situation of population and the country's development.