Project reference


Contract duration

 2019 - 2022


Invoiced to date: 161.515,00€ (TO of Particip to date: 80673,40€ (2019), 32343,75€ (2020) and 50702,85€ (2021) - total TO expected: 249.417,15€ (PHA 211216)




 Communication & media, Monitoring & Evaluation, Public finance/budgeting

Monitoring and Reporting under the SDG-Contract to promote Investment and Job Creation in Ghana

The European Union (EU) and the Government of Ghana (GoG) jointly implemented a new budget support contract that aimed to support the implementation of Ghana's Medium-Term National Development Policy Framework ('The Agenda for Jobs: Creating Prosperity and Opportunity for All) with a view of achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG). The following specific objectives had been identified as priorities: 1) Promote domestic and foreign private investment and enable all businesses to spearhead economic transformation and create more employment and decent work opportunities; and 2) Strengthen public financial governance and fight against corruption, and boost domestic revenue mobilisation.
As a response to the COVID-19 pandemic, the EU and the GoG agreed on a new single fixed tranche “Emergency EU Budget Support in response to COVID-19 crisis in Ghana” State Building and Resilience Contract (COVID-19 Emergency Response programme). This tranche was also supposed to absorb inter alia the undisbursed funds of the SDG-Contract.
The project services were hence extended to include support for the EU's disbursement decision for the COVID-19 Emergency Response programme, while continuing the monitoring of the Government's performance with respect to the SDG-Contract indicators, included as a commitment under the new Programme, and ongoing support for related policy dialogue on SDG-Contract and related budget support issues.
The global objective of this assignment was to support the GoG and the EU Delegation in the implementation of the SDG-Contract to promote sustainable investment and employment and to support the EU Delegation in the management of subsequent budget support interventions, including specifically the COVID-19 Emergency Response.
The specific objective of this contract was to provide support in three areas:
  • Strengthening the monitoring and reporting for the disbursement of fixed and variable tranches of the SDG-Contract and the COVID-19 Emergency Response programmes;;
  • Continued monitoring of, and reporting on, progress in the Government's achievement of the SDG-Contract indicators agreed for 2021 and 2022;
  • Guidance for and contribution to an effective and efficient policy dialogue between the EU Delegation and the Government of Ghana in the context of the implementation of the SDG-Contract indicators and further agreed areas of support related to implementation of the "Agenda for Jobs";
  • Improvement of communication and visibility around the SDG-Contract and the COVID-19 Emergency Response programmes indicators and related policy dialogue..


 Particip (Lead), ADE, GOPA PACE (ex B&S Europe SA)