Project reference


Contract duration

 2019 - 2022






 Civil society

Monitoring and Support Mission for Civil Society Organisations (CSOs) in the Implementation of Grants for the CSO Thematic Programme and the European Initiative for Democracy and Human Rights in Madagascar

The Roadmap for the EU's involvement with Malagasy civil society defined four overall priorities with a long-term vision representing the structural changes that the EU planned to achieve through its work with civil society and the Malagasy government. In fact, since the set-up of a continuous EU-CS political dialogue, the EU's engagement with civil society in Madagascar became strategic. CSOs no longer considered the EU as a donor but as a true partner, thus confirming the EU's willingness to honour its new commitment to CS.
Under the 10th EDF, the Dinika Programme (€10 million) supported Malagasy civil society organisations from 2013 to 2017 in the regions of Analamanga, Analanjirofo and Atsimo-Andrefana. The purpose of this programme was to serve as a "laboratory" to develop new forms of dialogue, interaction, and a pool of more detailed knowledge on the dynamics within civil society. As part of the implementation of the 11th EDF, a new agreement on financing the Integrated Civil Society Support Mechanism in Madagascar, Dinika (2), was signed in September 2017 for a period of 5 years. This financing agreement had a total budget of €9.5 million with a contribution from the 11th EDF of €8 million and was jointly funded by the German cooperation through the GIZ with a further €1.5 million.
With regard to the EIDHR, as a result of a call for proposals in 2017, three projects were contracted.
For the Civil Society Organisations Thematic Programme, two calls for proposals made it possible to contract 13 grants (6 in 2016 and 7 in 2018). The 13 actions shared a partnership approach between non-state actors/civil society organisations and, sometimes, with local authorities.
The call for proposals of the 2018 CSO/LA Thematic Programme, enabled 4 projects to be contracted. Their aim was to help improve local governance and got communal services functioning properly to allow a real and efficient exercise of the prerogatives of Local Authorities for the benefit of their population, and involving the consultation of citizens.
The specific objective of the mission was to ensure monitoring and on-the-ground support of the progress of both ongoing and future projects that have been contracted under the CSO Thematic Programme and the EIDHR 2019-2020, while offering technical support to strengthen the capacities of grant recipients.