Project reference


Contract duration

 2019 - 2024






 Communication & media, Project implementation / Technical Assistance

Providing Information Services Aiming to Bring the Turkish Cypriot Community Closer to the European Union Through Running an EU Infopoint in the Northern part of Nicosia

The purpose of this contract was to raise the awareness of the European Union, its policies and programmes within the Turkish Cypriot community in order to contribute to bringing the Turkish Cypriot community closer to the European Union. The project included various information and promotion activities using all available communication and media tools with the aim of raising awareness and understanding of the European Union.
The centrepiece of the information service provision was the running of the EU Infopoint, which carried out all activities and interactions. The EU Infopoint provided grassroots services tailored to local needs, which enabled the Turkish Cypriots to obtain information, advice, assistance and answers to questions about the EU priorities, legislation, policies, programmes and funding opportunities. The EU Infopoint informed in particular about the values of the EU and active citizenship. The aim of the information provision and communication of the EU Infopoint was to provide Turkish Cypriots with information on EU related activities and policies, in particular those having an impact on people's daily lives and to allow Turkish Cypriots to exchange views on such activities.
The EU Infopoint played an important role in promoting the EU Aid Programme for the Turkish Cypriot community and provided communication services support to EU-funded projects as part of the Aid Programme. In addition, the information service provision had a mobile component, i.e. regular outreach activities, cultural events and visits to e.g. remote rural communities and/or specific target groups in the northern part of Cyprus.
The target groups were the following:
  • Young people, school and university students, teachers;
  • Academia and "pundits", opinion leaders;
  • The Turkish Cypriot leadership;
  • Civil society organisations (CSO) and Non-governmental organisations (NGO);
  • Local media;
  • Potential beneficiaries of EU assistance including business communities, business organisations, rural communities, farmers etc.


 CommWithUs (Lead), Eptisa - Headquarter Spain, Norm, Particip