Project reference


Contract duration

 2018 - 2021






 Civil society, Communication & media

Support for communication and visibility of Morocco's migration policy support programme and related actions

The general objective of this contract was to ensure the communication and visibility of the support programme
migration policies and the European Union policies underlying the objectives of this programme.
In order to achieve this goal, the specific objectives foreseen in this mission were to:
  • Increase the communication and visibility of the EU's external activities on migration and share information with different audiences (including: civil society, potential and actual implementing partners, media, citizens and other stakeholders);
  • developing communication materials and implementing (in complementarity with other EU-funded migration projects in Morocco and in synergy with the MDCMREAM communication plan and the communication strategy for the Trust Fund under the North Africa Window), communication and visibility activities on the objectives and results achieved by the Migration Policy Support Programme and the underlying EU policies.