Project reference


Contract duration

 2018 - 2019







Election Expert Mission (EEM) to Guinea-Bissau - Legislative elections of 2019

The purpose of the Experts Mission was to collect factual information concerning the electoral process, in line with the criteria contained in the Commission Communication on Electoral Assistance and Observation [COM(2000)191]. Moreover, the experts produced strategic analysis and reporting on the ongoing electoral processes and provided inputs for electoral reform as well as confidence-enhancing measures, during and after the elections.
The objectives of the missions were to:
  • Assess all aspects of the electoral process in light of international and regional commitments and relevant national legislation of Guinea Bissau; evaluate openness, comprehensiveness and adherence to the rules of the different phases of the process, including voting, counting and possibly treatment of complaints and appeals; and make recommendations in the area of electoral reform.
  • Assess the implementation and continuous relevance of previous EU (and non-EU) election related missions’ recommendations and propose targeted recommendations to relevant authorities and stakeholders in Guinea Bissau in order to improve the election framework.
  • Provide analysis to help identify needs and the potential for additional bilateral or EU electoral support and analyse how ongoing projects are addressing recommendations of past EU EOMs.
  • Prepare a draft Final Mission Report, in consultation with representatives of EC/EEAS services presenting an overview of the pre-election situation.
  • Following the final de-briefing with EC/EEAS services in Brussels incorporate additional comments into the draft report and provide Commission and EEAS services with a concise Final Report.