Project reference


Contract duration

 2018 - 2022






 Communication & media

EU visibility and communication contract for Somalia

After 25 years of state disintegration, conflict and people’s displacement, Somalia was on a path to become a peaceful, stable and democratic country. It was no more a failing state but a recovering state, emerging from fragility with the support of the international community, and more particularly the European Union which had been a lead actor over the past decade.
The overall objective of the assignment was to enhance visibility and communication of the European Union in Somalia and improve awareness and recognition of the EU-Somalia partnership in all relevant sectors of cooperation (political economic, development and other major policy areas of common interest) and in line with the EEAS communication guidelines.
Objective 1 was to support the staff of the EU Delegation to Somalia to review its work on communication and visibility by recommending how to improve the planning, design and implementation of information, communication and visibility activities and events.
Objective 2 was to increase awareness of the EU-Somalia partnership and the level of familiarity with the EU and its degree of recognition within and outside Somalia, as well as the visibility of the actions under the EDF and EUTF decisions funding of this contract.