Project reference


Contract duration

 2019 - 2021




 Central African Republic


 Agriculture, Governance, Monitoring & Evaluation, Public finance/budgeting

Evaluation of the EU cooperation with Central African Republic (2008-2019)

The Evaluation focuses on the development cooperation of the European Union (EU) with the Central African Republic (CAR), the cooperation strategy since 2008 and its implementation from 2014 to 2019.
This evaluation had two overarching objectives. Firstly, to provide the relevant external co-operation services of the European Union (EU) and the wider public with an overall independent assessment of the EU's past and current cooperation with Central African Republic. And secondly, to identify key lessons and to produce recommendations in order to inform the responsible decision makers on how to improve the current and future strategies, programmes and actions of the EU.
In addition, the specific objectives for this evaluation were to:
  • Assess the performance (relevance, efficiency, effectiveness, coherence, impact, sustainability and EU value added) of EU support (policy dialogue and financial assistance) and its contribution to the restoration of an inclusive and sustainable peace in CAR;
  • Draw lessons for the EU's future intervention in fragile states;
  • Provide recommendations for the next programming cycle (2021-2027).
The thematic scope of the evaluation covered: economic governance and public administration, justice, democratic governance, security, education, health (including urban water and sanitation), as well as rural resilience, job creation and the management of natural resources. The evaluation also analysed the support for major infrastructure networks and regional economic integration.


 Ecorys B.V. (Lead), Particip