Project reference


Contract duration

 2019 - 2022





Support for Communication / Appropriation of the process of decentralization in Tunisia

General Objective:
Accompany Tunisia in its process of territorial reinforcement and reduction of regional and local disparities in the framework of the decentralization process.
Specific objectives:
  • Improve knowledge and promote ownership of the decentralization / deconcentration reform by its actors and beneficiaries.
To achieve this goal in a coherent and inclusive way, the approach must be based on an overall strategy, which contributes to the progress and success of the IPDLI Program and, more broadly, to the understanding and internalization by all stakeholders of the supported reforms, hence each one is called to take in charge their role and responsibilities in their specific registe.
Results to Achieve:
  • R1: Develop a coherent, comprehensive and evolving communication strategy around the decentralization / deconcentration reform in Tunisia
  • R2: Detail the communication strategy around the decentralization / deconcentration reform in Tunisia into actions
  • R3: Support IPAPD and the Ministry of Local Affairs and the Environment for planning, designing, producing, disseminating and putting online communication tools


 CommWithUs (Lead), Idem Concept, Medianet, Particip