Project reference


Contract duration

 2019 - 2021


204,990.00 EUR





Legal advisory services to support the implementation of the integrated pollution prevention and control in Ukraine in line with the provisions of the Directive 2010/75/EU

The overall GIZ programme of which this project was a part provided support in improving the administrative and technical capacity of the competent governmental authority(-ies) and installation operators to implement the industrial emissions (integrated pollution prevention and control) (IED) and thus enforce the consistent application of the concept of integrated pollution prevention and control in industry and the promotion of the best available techniques (BAT).
The Project supported the further development of the institutional framework, in particular, in reforming the existing system of environmental permitting and introducing the concept of integrated pollution prevention and control. To this end, the project supported the MENR and the competent authority(-ies) in drafting laws and regulations to implement the IED, in preparing BAT conclusions, and in preparing recommendations to adapt existing sectoral legislation.


 Particip (Lead)