Project reference


Contract duration

 2019 - 2022






 Environment, Monitoring & Evaluation

Analyses and studies of bird species in Bulgaria, subject to reporting in accordance with Art. 12 of the Birds Directive

The main objective of this project was to assist the government of Bulgaria in fulfilling its obligations according to Article 12 of the Birds Directive.
The project included analyses and studies of species and habitats in the terrestrial part of the country and in coastal areas, in order to ensure up-to-date data and information on reporting under Art. 12 of the Birds
Directive, including the development of various methodologies and pilot monitoring schemes,
their pilot implementation, evaluation of the results and a benefit-cost analysis.
The project led to the following main results:
  • Providing an overall methodological approach for collecting and analyzing data, required for reporting under the Birds Directive through a developed National Monitoring Concept, developed/processed/ supplemented methodologies for monitoring and assessment of the conservation status of bird species,
  • Providing all necessary information for the purposes of reporting for the period 2013-2018 under Art. 12 of the Birds Directive, including appropriate availability, as well as the most up-to-date data from field studies
  • Preparing an assessment of the conservation status of target bird species, subject of reporting under Art. 12 of the Birds Directive, on national level; filled the forms for reporting under Art.12 of the Birds Directive, in accordance with the requirements of the EC
  • Reaching agreement with the interested parties about the content of the prepared documents – methodologies, analysis, data, assessments, reporting formats


 Dicon (Lead), Particip