Project reference


Contract duration

 2018 - 2019






 Governance, Monitoring & Evaluation

Evaluation of Regional projects focusing on culture and youth in the Neighbourhood South

The first project (Net Med Youth) aimed at strengthening civil society dynamics by enabling an improved representation of youth entities throughout the development and implementation of policies and programmes affecting young women and men in Southern European Neighbourhood Policy (ENP) countries. The second project (Med Culture) aimed at improving the governance of the culture sector including promotion of inter-ministerial cooperation, elaboration of national action plans for culture, and improving organisational structures in cooperation with peers across the region, amongst other things.
The main objectives of this mid-term evaluation was to assess in a comprehensive way the performance of both programs with particular attention to intermediate results measured against the objectives; to identify crucial lessons learned and opportunities to generate recommendations that serve as the basis for the intervention improvement; and to assess the advantage of regional mechanisms of support against the bilateral cooperation and the importance of sub-granting schemes regarding their comparative advantages, obstacles and lessons learnt.
The specific objectives were to:
  • Asses and analyse the relevance, the coherence, the effectiveness, the efficiency, the means and costs, the impact, and the sustainability of the project
  • Identify problems and opportunities faced by the programs as a whole such as freedom of expression and support environment (SWOT matrix)
  • Identify and analyse complementarity /synergy/overlap of the projects among themselves and with other programmes in the same field as well as alternative actions potentially achieving the same results
  • Develop recommendations to improve implementation in the next phase of the programs tackling performance and impact


 Particip (Lead), EuroPlus