A dysfunctional justice system in urban and semi-urban areas and the lack of a formal justice system in rural areas restrict access to justice for the vast majority of the citizens of Pakistan. This applies particularly to the Federally Administered Tribal Areas (FATA) in northwest of Pakistan and its bordering provinces Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (KP) and Balochistan.
In 2012, the EU and Pakistan adopted a 5-Year Engagement Plan that reinforces the EU’s commitment to a stable, democratic and pluralistic Pakistan. In particular, the EU has supported the development of KP and FATA in the field of Good governance, Human Rights and the Rule of Law (RoL). In 2017, the EU received a request from the Pakistani government to provide technical assistance in the strengthening of the RoL in the process of the planned merger of the FATA with KP.
Therefore, the global objective of the assignment was to assist the EU Delegation in the design of a programme under the AAP 2018 to reinforce the RoL in the FATA, KP and Balochistan.
The specific objectives were to:
- Analyse the RoL sector in KP, FATA and Balochistan under consideration of potential political developments and assess feasibility of a RoL intervention in this volatile environment
- Conduct multi-stakeholder consultations to obtain a consensus and good level of ownership from all relevant counterparts for the future programme and advise on possible modalities of assistance acceptable to national stakeholders
- Propose an intervention and develop a full set of draft programming documents required for the project identification, formulation and contracting