Terms of reference for technical assistance for the Indian Ocean Regional Program under the 11th European Development Fund (EDF) for the Overseas countries and territories (OCTs)
General objective
The mission of the expert is to assist the TAAF Administation in the preparation of the draft Programming Document as well as draft Financing Agreement for the "OCT-Indian Ocean" regional program under the 11th EDF-OCT, in accordance with the provisions of the Overseas Asssociation Decisoin. The Regional Authorizing Officer is the main point of contact for the expert.
Specific objectives
Objective 1: Taking into consideration part A of the the programming document, already approved and within the framework of the latter, to assist and accompany the TAAF authorities in the course of further consultation with stakeholders in the framework of the preparation of the Indian Ocean regional program under the11th EDF-OCT. The list of stakeholders will be established in close consultation with the Regional Authorizing Officer.
Objective 2: Taking into consideration part A of the programming document, already approved and within the framework of the latter, prepare the draft document listed in point 2.d of these ToR on the basis of the current European Commission models.
The expert assists the TAAF authorities and collaborates with them in order to carry out any update or make modifications deemed necessary to the draft documents submitted, following the comments received from the services of the European Commission and thorughout the process of programming, identification and formulation. The services of the expert are completed only after the approval by the European Commission of the programming document, the adoption of the financing decision anf the signature of the financing agreement.
Objective 3: Taking into consieration part A of the prgramming document, already approved and within the framework of the latter, assist the TAAF authorities throughout the programming process (indentification, formulation, financing agreement) of the resoures allocated within the framework of the Indian Ocean Regional Program under the 11th EDF-OCT and until the signature of the financing agreement.
It may be noted that a methodology and a workplan have already been provided under a first technical assistance contract which has led to the validation by the European commission of part A of the programming document.