Project reference


Contract duration

 2017 - 2018






 Human rights, Justice/Rule of Law, Monitoring & Evaluation

Final evaluation China-EU Access to Justice project

The main objectives of this final evaluation were to provide the relevant services of the European Union and interested stakeholders with:
  • An overall independent assessment of the past performance of the China-EU Access to Justice project, paying particularly attention to its results against its objectives;
  • Key lessons and recommendations in order to improve current and future actions in this and related sectors.
In particular this evaluation served to assess the results of the action as well as the reasons for success or failure for achieving the expected results.
The specific aspects to be evaluated were:
a) The results and possible impact achieved through project support;
b) The experience of linking state and non-state legal service providers and impact on strengthening of the role of civil society in social justice issues in China;
c) Areas where learning opportunities and transfer of knowledge on legal aid modalities and practice between Europe and China were pursued and analysis of relevance to the broader EU-China strategic relationship.