Mid-term evaluation of the Justice Sector Support Program in Mali (JSSP)
The purpose of the service was to carry out the mid-term evaluation of the implementation of the financing agreement for the "PAJM" program CRIS 023-652 and to formulate recommendations and suggestions for any adaptation necessary to achieve the expected results according to Annex II DTA to the financing agreement, point 4.2.
The evaluation met the requirements of the project cycle. The consultants carefully verified, analysed and appreciated the points set out in the final report template. The list of these points was not exhaustive. The questions related to the five criteria adopted by the OECD DAC (relevance, effectiveness, efficiency, viability and impact) and the EC's specific evaluation criteria (EU added value and coherence).
The consultants verified, analysed and appreciated the impact of cross-cutting issues on the project and how they were taken into account. They were expected to rely on their professional judgment and experience to review all relevant factors and bring them to the attention of the responsible government and the European Commission.