Gestion des contrats-cadres

EU Framework contract management - FWC SEA 2023

Having successfully led consortia implementing the EU’s predecessor 2018 SIEA Framework Contract (FWC) and the EVA 2020 Framework Contract on Strategic evaluations over the last 5 years, we are thrilled to be continuing the journey with the EU’s FWC vehicle: SEA 2023.

As of 2024, Particip will lead consortia for 5 lots:

EU Framework contract management - FWC SEA 2023

The objective of the FWC is to provide expertise for specific assignments, that can be mobilised at short notice, in the fields of sustainable natural resources management (environment, biodiversity, forests, water and circular economy).

Human Rights Based Approach (HRBA), Human Rights, Support to Democratisation, Reinforcement of the Rule of Law and Administration of Justice, Public Administration Reform and Organisational Development of Public Institutions, Elections, Social Inclusion and Protection (formal and informal), Gender Equality and Women’s Empowerment.

Civil Society Organisations Empowerment, Decentralisation and Local Authorities Empowerment.

Monitoring Systems at Intervention and Portfolio Level, Third Party Monitoring, ICT and Emerging Technologies for Monitoring, Data Collection for Strategic Purposes.

Ex-ante, Mid-term Evaluations, Final, Ex-post Evaluations, Counterfactual Impact Evaluations, Thematic Evaluations (grouping of interventions in a specific area).

Country, Multi-country or Regional Evaluations, Thematic and Sectoral Evaluations covering a group of countries / region(s), Evaluations of Financial Instruments (e.g., blending and guarantees) or Implementation Modalities (e.g., budget support, trust funds), Evaluations of EU Strategic Relationship with a given implementing partner, Evaluations of Joint Programming/Team Europe, Other (e.g., Meta Evaluations, Systematic Reviews).

Particip is the only firm leading a consortium on the three Monitoring & Evaluation Lots (Lots 15, 16 and 17), putting us in a unique position to respond to the client’s needs in this area.
The potential volume of activity under the five lots mentioned above is a €275 million market value.
Start date – early January 2024
Duration – 24 months with automatic renewal for a further 24 months

We are also a member of the consortia that have been awarded the following lots:
  • Lot 5: Science, Technology, Innovation and Digital
  • Lot 6: Macro-Economic Analysis, Fiscal Policies, Budget Support
  • Lot 8: Sustainable Financing for Development

Particip’s FWC teams are composed of dedicated, trained managers who are exclusively focused on this contract. Our FWC managers have extensive expertise in effectively managing FWCs by maintaining high standards of quality in all contractual, technical, and financial aspects.

Changes from SEA 2023 to SIEA 2018

  • Increased maximum contract amount of € 2m for each individual project
  • Crucially, all awarded consortia will be invited to submit tenders for every request for services. This means there will be no more random selection of participating consortia, so you can commit to Particip’s consortium early on with no risk of missing out!

Potential assignments for you

We are eager to expand the network of experts we can potentially propose to the EC.

If you are a specialist in any of the above sectors and are interested in getting involved, please upload your CV by registering here 

How the Framework Contract SEA 2023 works

To increase flexibility in the provision of Technical Assistance provided to both partner countries and its own operations, the EC has streamlined procurement procedures through the use of Framework Contracts (FWCs). Their objective is to provide short-term services for the benefit of partner countries and for EC internal services. FWCs can cover all main EC interventions, financing instruments, modalities and regions.

The FWC "Services for EU's External Action" (SEA 2023) is intended to support EU Delegations and the various HQ units at the level of the EC's Directorates-General in charge of the implementation of External Action, namely: DG INTPA, DG NEAR, DG ECHO, and the Service for Foreign Policy Instruments (FPI).

FWCs are usually 4-year contracts in which groups of companies ("consortia") become "preferred suppliers" for specific services to the EC in a given area of expertise, known as a "Lot".

Typically, each Lot is serviced by three to five consortia that are invited - through "Requests for Service Contracts" (RfSC) - to submit proposals (CVs of experts and brief methodologies) for a specific assignment.

The period of time between the receipt of an RfSC and the deadline for the corresponding proposal's submission is 14 calendar days for smaller and 30 calendar days for larger assignments.