Référence de projet


Durée de l'engagement

 2017 - 2018







Legal and illegal trade in wildlife species between the EU and Mexico

The project provides a comprehensive analysis of wildlife trade between Mexico and the EU (whether legally or illegally traded; and whether CITES listed or non-CITES listed species); in order to improve the implementation of CITES and other related policies related to tackling illegal wildlife trade, through closer collaboration on wildlife trade policies, as well as a better understanding of both Parties legal and illegal wildlife market. Moreover, it provides a clear and updated characterization of the legal and illegal trade in wildlife between Mexico and the EU, and on the basis of this, provides recommendations towards the development and implementation of actions aiming at ensuring that wildlife trade is sustainable, legal, and traceable, while providing economic incentives to the main stakeholders of their value chain (from the local and indigenous communities to the end consumer markets, e.g. European industry).
Specific objectives of this assignment are:
  • Identification and prioritization of species (whether CITES listed or not) subject to high levels of legal and illegal trade between Mexico and the EU;
  • Based on an exhaustive trade analysis of the selected species, development of recommendations for the establishment and implementation of actions to strengthen and improve bilateral collaboration and information exchange of pre-selected species in order to promote that wildlife trade is sustainable, legal, and traceable.


 Particip (Lead), AETS