Référence de projet


Durée de l'engagement

 2016 - 2017







Exploratory Mission (ExM) to Timor Leste

The objective of the mission was to assess and report to the European External Action Service (EEAS) and the European Commission (EC FPI) whether a deployment of an EU Election Observation Mission (EU EOM) to Timor-Leste for the forthcoming General Elections (foreseen for February 2017) would be useful, advisable and feasible. Moreover, the objective of the ExM was to produce specific documents containing clear information and recommendations ahead of the HRVP's decision on the deployment of a possible EU EOM.
More specifically, the ExM:
1. Assessed the pre-election situation in the light of international standards for democratic elections and national legislation. The assessment covered: (i) Electoral framework for general elections (ii) election administration, (iii) human rights and fundamental freedoms, (iv) media, (v) voter registration, (vi) party and candidate registration, (vii) political situation, (viii) security aspects, (ix) logistics and operational matters, and (x) any other relevant issues relating to the elections and possible deployment of an EU EOM.
2. Drew lessons from the previous missions deployed in Timor Leste.
3. Made necessary preliminary logistics related enquiries and provide advice on how to organise the operational component of a possible EU EOM.
4. Assessed the security situation in the country, in particular in connection with the possible deployment of an EU EOM.
5. Advised on the focus, composition, number and length of stay of the Core Team members and long and short-term observers of the EU EOM.
6. Drafted tentative specifications and Terms of Reference of a possible EU EOM and/or an EEM and related estimated costs and budget breakdown.
7. Assessed the relevance of providing support to domestic observer organisations under the EIDHR.
8. Acquired updated information on EU election support (both EU and Member States) and other major actors' plans in this field, including in the area of electoral assistance.
9. Liaised closely with domestic and international election observation organisations that may be present on the ground regarding the preparation of elections. Seek close coordination with the OAS to this purpose.
10. Prepared a number of specific reports as outlined in section “VI. Output” of the ToR.


 Particip (Lead), Cideal