Identification d'un programme sur l'adaptation et l'atténuation au Changements Climatiques pour l'agriculture dans l'écosystème de savane du Ghana
The objective of this consultancy mission was to design a set of actions constituting the EU’s supports to climate change for agriculture to be implemented with the resources mobilised under 11th EDF (2014–2020) as from 2017 onwards.
The specific objectives of the consultancy mission was to produce an Initial Action Document (iAD) with annexes for a climate change program under the priority Sector Nr.2 of the Ghana NIP.
The identification work gives a comprehensive overview of
- Lessons learned from past and existing interventions
- The state of play of climate change in the context of the savannah ecosystem taking into consideration Government policies and strategies and Development Partners (DPs) interventions
- The main stakeholders (institutional, civil society and private players), their fields of intervention, strategies, programmes and existing flagship projects carried out as well as a stakeholder analysis (institutional capacity assessment).
- Propose a maximum of 3 operational options which could be supported and complemented through a climate change programme.
- Feasibility analysis of available implementation modalities.