Référence de projet


Durée de l'engagement








Adapting to the 2030 Agenda as a challenge for EU policy

Since 2016, the “2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development” has been the guiding framework for promoting sustainable development worldwide. No member state can achieve the world’s future challenges alone. Many of the Agenda’s key issues are within the competence area of the EU. The EU should therefore play a central role in implementing the Agenda. The German Federal Government is striving to set a good example, and to fulfill the increased international responsibility.
In view of the large number of individual processes, an overarching approach is needed, defining the position of the 2030 Agenda as a reference framework for EU sectoral strategies and processes, which in turn will constitute the basis for further work processes. It is primarily a matter of capturing the sustainability strategies and processes of the EU in an enhanced international manner, in order to take greater account of the global impact European action has.
It was the central concern of the study to develop proposals which will enable the Agenda to result in a comprehensive EU architecture on sustainable development issues. The scientific report intended to outline important indicators for revising the wide range of sustainability-relevant strategies which aimed at implementing the 2030 Agenda at EU level, as well as providing an analytical foundation to this end. The study helped to derive elements for an overarching positioning encompassing the individual processes.