Préparation des spécifications techniques pour la fourniture d'équipements pour la collecte et le transferts des déchets pour la région Est et Nord-Est
The global objective of the project was to achieve an integrated and financially self-sustainable waste management system in East and Northeast Regions.
The specific objective of this assignment was the preparation of technical specifications and related supporting documents for supply of equipment for waste collection and transferring of waste in East and Northeast Regions.
The assignment related to the provision of technical assistance for the following tasks:
- Review of existing situation of the waste collection and transferring system in East and Northeast Regions
- Preparation of Technical specifications Assessment Report for supply of equipment for waste collection and transferring of waste for the East and Northeast regions
- Preparation of market surveys and costs estimations according to the needs for equipment for waste collection and transferring of waste in the East and Northeast regions
- Development of Technical Specifications (TS) for supply of equipment for waste collection and transferring of waste in East and North-East Regions
Particip (Lead), Expertise Advisors (formerly: ETI Consulting)