Référence de projet


Durée de l'engagement

 2017 - 2022




 Monitoring & Evaluation

DFID Global Evaluation Framework Agreement

Global Evaluation Framework Agreement (GEFA) to ensure the provision of efficient and effective expert services for the design and implementation of evaluations of ODA delivered by DFID and Other Government
Department (OGDs).
For Lots 1 & 2 the Framework Agreement has global coverage (including the UK) and evaluations will be undertaken in a wide range of different geographic locations and contexts, primarily where DFID operates, including fragile and conflict affected states (FCAS). For Lots 3-8 (Process) & 9-14 (Monitoring) are subject o
regional segmentation.
The Framework Agreement covers requirements for monitoring and evaluation in a range of themes, including but not limited to: Human development (e.g. education, health, water supply, social protection and sanitation); humanitarian assistance; economic development (e.g. infrastructure, social services, production); governance and security (e.g. public sector reform, anti-corruption); climate change.


 OPM (Lead), itad, Particip