Référence de projet


Durée de l'engagement

 2023 - 2024







Project appraisal: Strengthening inclusive education system in support of Ethiopia's general education sectoral programme

The purpose of the appraisal was to assess the feasibility of the Programme as defined in the draft Programme Document (PD), and to make sure that the PD is an adequate basis for tendering the consultant company for implementation.
The Programme that was appraised will focus on capacity development for inclusive education. It builds on previous experience gained from Finland’s Technical Assistance support to GEQIP-II and GEQIP-E, namely developing inclusive education resource centres (IERC), supporting a development of Model IERCs for developing locally relevant inclusive practice. The support enhances teacher education by focusing on developing teacher competences for inclusion through pre-service teacher education and practice, as well as strengthening pedagogical and practical knowledge and skills on inclusive education.
The key issues of the appraisal were the Programme’s relevance to beneficiaries and main stakeholders in the country; feasibility of the proposed implementation strategy, organisational structures, TA support, work plans, resource allocations and budget; sustainability as well as the result orientation and likely effectiveness in Ethiopian context. The appraisal also assessed the integration of human rights based approach and MFA cross-cutting objectives into the programme plan.