Référence de projet


Durée de l'engagement

 2020 - 2023






 Monitoring & Evaluation

Framework Agreement for Evaluation Management Services (EMS)

The Evaluation Management Services (EMS) was a service contract which consisted in the implementation of strategic and policy-level evaluations, meta-evaluations, project-level evaluations and assessments for the Ministry for Foreign Affairs of Finland (MFA). It corresponded to a model that is based on evaluation services commissioned to one service provider rather than outsourcing the implementation of each evaluation as a single assignment. The purpose of this contract was to increase the quality of outsourced evaluations and also to increase flexibility, efficiency and effectiveness of the MFA of Finland in planning and commissioning evaluations. In addition to some decentralised (project level) evaluations and assessments from various geographical units, all MFA centralised evaluations were prepared and implemented through the EMS.
The assignments that were implemented under this service contract are the following:
  • Evaluation on Development Cooperation carried out by the Department for Russia, Eastern Europe and Central Asia, Including The Wider Europe Initiative (WEI).
  • External Review and Evaluation Services of forest programmes in Tanzania
  • Evaluation on the transition towards a new partnership between Finland and Vietnam
  • Evaluation on water diplomacy in the context of Finnish development cooperation – lessons for the future
  • Evaluation of ICI Projects in Afghanistan, Bhutan, India, and Nepal
  • Meta-evaluation of MFA's projects and programme evaluations in 2018-2020
  • Evaluation of the Finnish Development Policy Influencing in the European Union
  • Evaluation of Finnish Humanitarian Aid
  • Assessment on the Response of Finnish Development Policy and Cooperation to the Covid-19
  • Final Evaluation of Rural Village Water Resources Management Project (RVWRMP) 2006-2022 and Post-evaluation of Rural Water Supply and Sanitation Western Nepal Project (RWSSP-WN) 2008-2019
  • Facilitated assessment of Finnish peace, democratization and sustainable livelihoods support in Myanmar
  • Evaluation of Finland’s International Climate Finance
  • Evaluation of Human Rights-Based Approach (HRBA) in Finland’s Development Policy and Cooperation
  • Review of the MFA’s support to international recruitment
  • Evaluation on Development Communications in the Context of the Ministry for Foreign Affairs Finland
  • Right to Education, Right to Learn – Evaluation of Finnish Development Policy and Cooperation in the Education Sector
  • Evaluation of Finland’s initiatives focused on enhanced domestic resources mobilization (DRM)
  • Meta-analysis of Country Programmes 2021–2024


 Particip (Lead), Niras Finland Oy