Référence de projet


Durée de l'engagement

 2018 - 2019





Sectorial Evaluation: European support for forest sector policy in Honduras

The evaluation should allow an understanding of the cause-effect relationship between the activities, the direct effects and the impacts. Evaluations should have as main objectives contributing to accountability, decision making, learning and management improvement.
The main objectives of this evaluation are to provide the competent services of the European Union, the interested parties and the general public:
++ An independent evaluation of the implementation of the Budget Support Program for the forestry sector of Honduras (PAPSFOR), focusing in particular on its 'intermediate' results in relation to its objectives;
++ The main lessons and recommendations with a view to improving the current Action (if applicable) and future.
In particular, this evaluation will serve to evaluate the impact that the Program has had to date and better understand the public perception of this impact.
The main users of this evaluation will be the government, civil society, indigenous peoples, the timber industry, donors and the general public.
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 AETS (Lead), Particip