Mediterranean Climate Finance Strategy
The purpose of the technical assistance is to enhance the quality of data related to climate finance flows in the Euro-Mediterranean region. Strengthen the reliability of data collection methodology and process in the Euro-Mediterranean region regarding climate finance, especially regarding private sector commitments for adaptation projects, is essential to guide political action.
It is in particular possible to better identify the improvement potential regarding the attractiveness of UNFCCC nonannex I UfM Member States to receive international support for their climate action.
Thanks to the information provided, the UfM Regional Climate Finance Committee and the UfM Climate Change Expert Group will therefore be in capacity to discuss the design of instruments supporting the emergence of projects from certain types of populations or certain sectors and facilitate the emergence of intermediaries between project promoters and donors.
It will also contribute to the preparation of a future UfM Ministerial Declaration providing a renewed mandate
for UfM climate action.
Albanie, Algérie, Bosnie-Herzégovine, Egypte, Israël, Jordanie, Liban, Maroc, Mauritanie, Monténégro, Palestine, Syrie, Tunisie, Turquie